How Do Influencer and TV Ads Affect Our Brain?

There are many different options for advertising a product. Television commercials and influencer marketing are two of them. So which one is best?

Every day on social media content producers We save one of your suggestions to retrieve it later. Likewise, we are exposed to TV commercials every day.

Memorability and emotional impact When we look at quitting, which one affects us more? Let’s look at the research of experts on this subject, their results and reasons.

Which marketing are we more impressed with?

Neuro-Insight to find out which marketing is effective is doing a research. It gives participants tasks such as watching YouTube videos and browsing social media.

While they are performing this task, television commercials are also shown. As a result of the evaluation, while watching influencer ads increase in brain temperature appears to be higher.

influencer ads

According to the results of the research, influencer marketing is more effective than TV advertisements. It provides 277% more emotional intensity and 87% more memorability. So it seems that influencer marketing is more interesting than television commercials. This shows that our purchasing instinct is more active in influencer marketing.

So, how do influencers influence us?

By nature, we have a trust problem. For this reason, just like in Kemal Sunal’s movie The Man with Number One Hundred, “man of the people” or “folk heroWe want to see someone like this in front of us.

We believe that these people will experience the product and say that they like it. Even seeing the same product from several content creators We also convince ourselves.

man number one hundred

As consumers, we have concerns. They address these concerns with the advice they give. Our concerns, which had been resolved, were replaced by to purchasing motivation leaving. Doubts about the product disappear and we finally want to buy it. As a matter of fact, we are taking it.

It is easier for them to reach the target audience than TV ads.

Let’s take a content creator who recommends makeup and care products. Those who are interested in these issues are highly young and middle aged women It will happen. The time young and middle-aged women spend on social media is considerably more than the time they spend watching television. Therefore, brands find it more appropriate to advertise their products with influencers who are “one of the people” on social media.

too many celebrities influencer Although influencers with lower followers are preferred in marketing. Because “You can drink your water little by little, sip by sip..” The advice of the content producers who say this does not sound sincere. Likewise, consumers do not find it sincere when people who earn high incomes recommend lower priced products.

Influencer marketing does not have the same impact for all age groups.


According to data from IZEA Insights 18-44 age group %36It is affected by phenomena. The preferred platforms in influencer marketing are YouTube (26%), Facebook (24%) and Instagram (24%), according to 2022 data.

Looking at the applications preferred by consumers Women use Instagram the most, men use YouTube the most. uses. People over the age of 60, not surprisingly, are the leaders in Facebook usage.

Social media Of course, it is normal for the rate of being affected by phenomena to increase in a world where usage is so high. But it’s more than just believing emulation We don’t know if it will reach its size.

Are these 36% affected by influencers only because of trust and emotional satisfaction, or is it possible to use the products used by the influencer? Does it create a feeling of satisfaction? We need to question this first.

We can say that influencer marketing has surpassed TV advertisements.

social media advertising

If we make a decision based on Neuro-Insight and IZEA Insights research influencer marketing We can say that we are the winner of this race. As we mentioned above, influencer marketing, which is more successful in terms of emotional, memorability, impressiveness and trust, pushes us more to buy.


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