How can you make your internet bill cheaper?

The internet has now become a necessity in daily life. The bills paid for the internet that almost everyone uses at home have become annoying. In our content, we talk about how to make your internet bill cheaper.

Is internet affordable?

You can make your internet service more affordable with the 12 Month Fixed Price Opportunity. In order not to be affected by price changes, you can fix your 12-month bill at 279.90 TL instead of 299.90 TL every month for a year by paying it all at once.

In the payment section, there are also installment options of up to 6 months offered to you by your bank. Additionally, let us point out that this is not a commitment. You can cancel at any time and get a refund for the remaining money from the period you used.

Finding modem password: How to change internet password?

Finding modem password: How to change internet password?

How to change internet password? You can make your WiFi network more secure in a few simple steps by entering the modem interface.

12 Months Fixed Price Opportunity

  • Fixed price for 12 months
  • Single withdrawal or installments up to 6 months offered by your bank
  • Freedom to cancel and refund whenever you want

On the other hand, let us underline that the service to be provided is not dependent on a fixed speed. The service offers you the maximum speed your home address can receive. To learn this speed, you can go to TurkNet’s website and enter the address information.

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