How Can Parrots Talk Like a Human?

In fact, besides birds, monkeys are known as the creatures that most closely resemble humans. However, despite these similarities, they cannot speak, and at this point, birds and especially parrots come to the fore.

parrots approx. Can remember 1000 words and they can make meaningful sentences with these words. They are quite skillful when it comes to imitating us.

So parrots, how come Can they talk just like a human?

The lower respiratory system in birds and humans is similar in some respects.

There is the windpipe in the upper part and the lungs in the lower part. Thanks to these parts of the body, air moves in and out. However, unlike us, birds It has no teeth or lips. Their noses have a completely different structure than ours.

There is also something about these creatures that makes them distinctive. These distinguishing features are voice boxes and syrinx Also called.

Birds’ voice boxes are actually our larynx.


When air flows into this section, the vibrating sound contains various folds and our sound is It is first formed in our mouth. However, things are a little different in birds.

They are used to shape and produce sound rather than simply sending air through the vocal cords. They control the muscles in the walls of the syrinx. It is possible to see that the sound they make comes directly from their chest.

Birds extend and shorten their necks to make sounds. It opens and closes its beak. But most of the control occurs primarily in the syrinx.

They also have the ability to produce different sounds in less than a tenth of a second.


Again, they transition seamlessly from one side of their syrinx to the other to create these various sounds. In addition, the fact that they have a voice box makes them an astonishing with perfection and accuracy It also allows them to copy the sounds they hear.

Parrots are largely distracted at this point. The brains of these creatures are They have been programmed to talk since they were born. So, as soon as they hatch, they start learning everything around them.

But of course it is not easy for them to talk like us.

Because we have vowels, consonants and plosives. We use our lips to produce explosive letters. This is them To compensate for the lack of lips, they develop a muscular tube called esophagus in their bodies. They use air and the power of air allows them to imitate explosive sounds.

Parrots also use our lips, tongue and jaw to produce vowels. moves their tongue back and forth. They try to change their beak openings to change their sounds.

In other words, parrots use tools just like humans to shape the sound they produce. They are the only birds that use their tongues.

Additionally, these creatures have a natural desire to communicate. In the wild, they form strong bonds with their flocks, but in the cage, a social bond with homeowners they establish. They want to communicate with us and naturally they start to imitate us.

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