How Can “Gravity” Be a Cause of Hair Loss?

Working as a plastic surgeon in Ankara, Dr. According to Emin Tuncay Üstüner, the downward force caused by gravity on the scalp greatly affects baldness in men. But how?

We can attribute hair loss to many factors. Who to engineering faculty ties, some due to working at an early age, some due to genetics… Of course, all of these may be true due to stress, unhealthy diet or genes, but there is another factor: Gravity.

“What effect could gravity have on hair loss?” If you say Turkish plastic surgeon Dr. Emin Tuncay Üstüner’s Let’s take a look at his interesting theory.

The DHT hormone causes hair loss on the head and increases hair growth in other parts of the body.

Studies, on balding areas of the scalp It shows an increase in a potent form of testosterone called “dihydrotestosterone (DHT),” and there are many medications that block the conversion of testosterone to DHT, which slows hair loss.

On the scalp, DHT causes the hair follicles to thin, but in other hairy areas of the body, such as the armpit or genital area, DHT and other “male hormones” cause the hair follicles to thicken. That being the case Why does the opposite happen with the hair on the scalp? The question comes to mind.

Dr. According to Emin Tuncay Üstüner’s claim, we find the answer in the “gravity theory” regarding the weight of the scalp on the hair follicles.

In youth, there is sufficient fatty tissue under the scalp and it buffers the pressure on the hair follicles. So it can keep itself moist. However, as we get older, the skin and subcutaneous fat thin and the hair follicles become thinner. The pressure is increasing.

Testosterone too thinning of subcutaneous fat contributes. As cushioning decreases, the hair follicle must fight against higher pressure and more testosterone is required to achieve normal growth.

hair loss

This requirement causes DHT to accumulate in the scalp, causing further wear of the subcutaneous fat and entering a vicious cycle. So, in response to DHT, the hair growth cycle accelerates, but it is not enough to overcome the increased pressure. The hair follicle shrinks over time, which increasing hair loss why is this happening.

Where’s the gravity in this?

why hair loss

According to this theory, if the cause of hair loss is the pressure caused by the weight of the scalp, then on the top of your head There must be hair loss. That’s what happens. Individual differences in hair loss are influenced by differences in head shape that reflect changes in scalp pressure.

The weight of the soft tissue on the face increases the pressure on the front part of the scalp, contributing to hair loss in that part. on the other hand ears, resisting the effects of gravity on the scalp It reduces hair loss on the sides of the head. According to Üstüner, all of these explain the relationship between hair loss and gravity.

Although much more research is needed on this subject, there is still no known function of DHT. a satisfactory explanation of hair loss without attributing an opposing function could not be done. However, we can clearly say that the increase in DHT levels in the scalp is not something directly determined by genes.

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