How Are Telephone City Codes Determined?

The methods used to determine telephone city codes are quite interesting. So why are cities’ codes so complex and unrelated?

When you look at the telephone codes of different cities, The codes of nearby cities often differ You may have noticed.

What about this situation? the period when dial telephones were invented What if we say it lasts?

The system of telephone city codes was established long before the invention of push-button telephones.

This system was developed based on dial telephones. On dial phones To dial a number, you rotate your finger on the dial. and you had to let it go.

In dial system Time between dialing the 1 key and dialing the 9 key There was a big difference in terms of

To dial the last 9 key you had to turn almost a full circle And this process took quite a bit of time.

Translation time was an important criterion when determining city codes.

Istanbul city code

Because dialing codes like 212 takes much less time than dialing 989 telephone exchanges were becoming less busy.

Therefore, the translation is completed in the shortest time. 212 code, in many countries of the world It was given to the cities where the phone was used the most.

For example in both New York and Istanbul 212 code is used in areas where city life is the busiest.

Following the same logic, a similar approach was adopted for the cities that ranked second in terms of density. For example, Telephone codes in Chicago and Ankara are 312 was determined as .

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