House of the Dragon Breaks Records From Day One

House of the Dragon, which HBO released on Sunday, became HBO’s best-selling production. The series did not reach the number of views of the final episode of Game of Thrones.

The Game of Thrones universe, which said goodbye to the screens for a while with the chaotic final episode in 2019, returned with House of the Dragon, the first episode of which was released on Sunday. While the first episode of the series managed to be on the agenda all over the world, it was released on the HBO platform and Amazon’s Fire TV devices with high demand. There was even an access problem.

How much demand the House of the Dragon faced was concretely revealed by the data shared by HBO today. House of the Dragon, HBO best debut production to date it happened. The company also shared how many million people watched the first episode of the series on Sunday.

Close to 10 million people watched in one night in the USA alone.

According to HBO’s statement, House of the Dragon, It was watched by 9 million 986 thousand viewers in the USA alone. Thus, the series was watched more than the first episode of Game of Thrones, the main series of the universe. The number of views of the first episode of the series, The final episode of Game of Thrones did not pass. The final episode of Game of Thrones aired in May 2019, in the US the same night. It managed to gather 19 million viewers.

On the other hand, according to other details shared by HBO, the release of House of the Dragon, It also increased the interest in Game of Thrones. The main series broadcast in 4K on HBO Max, in the number of viewers increased by 90% compared to last month.

House of the Dragon first episode review:


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House of the Dragon is not published ‘officially’ in Turkey. You can take a look at our content below for the reason.


Game of Thrones TV Series ‘House of the Dragon’ Is Not Broadcasted Anywhere In Turkey! OK, why?

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