Hours Left for Theta Network (THETA) Mainnet 4.0: What Will Change?

Theta Network (THETA), one of the popular cryptocurrencies, is preparing to transition to Metachain mainnet 4.0.

NFT and mtavern coming to the fore with its investments and moves in THETA, Preparing for a critical update. Theta Metachain mainnet 4.0 This transition is called a major upgrade to the mainnet. 1st of December Turkey with the clock around 18.00 will happen.

Metachain mainnet 4.0, which has the most important and critical value compared to the other three updates carried out on the network so far, is planned to bring innovative qualities to the vision and structure of the network.

With this update, Theta updated its core vision, “meeting the needs of video platforms, ticketing companies, metaverse and many other businesses as they evolve into decentralized models” makes a vision renewal:

Each platform or web3 business can have its own subchain which is highly customizable and comes with the transparency, security and reliability of a public blockchain.

With this update, Theta’s new network metachain from a master blockchain and from unlimited sub-blockchain will occur. Along with Metachain, enable developers to efficiently create their own subchains will provide a Software Development Kit (Software Development Kit) will be released. This will allow media companies to integrate with all of Theta’s Web3 tools, including storage and NFT-based videos.

CoinGecko According to the data of THETA, daily price 1.6% with the rise from $0.955 traded in the markets.

Used as auxiliary fuel in THETA and network operations. TFUEL Although they have been making steady gains over the past week, this mainnet, which took place under the tough conditions of the bear market, failed to give some investors what they wanted. On the other hand, if the mainnet is successfully implemented, a “news sell” situation may occur and the price may be suppressed downwards.

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