Honda Announces Subscription System

Honda was the last company to announce that it will use the subscription systems that have been frequently encountered in the automotive industry recently. On the other hand, the company’s approach is slightly different from that of its competitors, and some features will never be offered with subscription packages.

Nowadays, it is not enough to buy things anymore, subscriptions or we need to make micro purchases. This application stands out as one of the most preferred methods by automobile manufacturers recently. Each company handles this system differently, which technically requires additional payment to use the vehicle’s existing features. For example, BMW’s ConnectedDrive Store system is remembered for being much discussed.

Honda While he explained that he had developed a similar subscription system, their approach to the idea was different. According to the statement made by the Japanese company, features developed for security purposes will never be part of the subscription system, and users will only pay for features that use data.

Different approach from Honda

One of the company’s senior executives Jay Joseph In the statement made by the company, the details of the paid subscription system were also announced. of Acura AcuraLink Remote start features such as cellular data will require payment as they are used over cellular data. Joseph on the subject “Someone has to pay the connection fee because there’s an operator. You know, there’s a service provider.” said.

Another senior manager of the company Dave GardnerFrom a consumer perspective, putting all the features in vehicles and then asking consumers to pay to unlock some of those features you probably think it’s not the right method expressed. In other words, only the equipment in the vehicle can be used with the subscription system in Honda and Acura. Stating that there are still things that the company can do with the software tool, Gardner says that people may want this.


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The Honda manager also understands the vehicle’s safety use without a bonnet states that it will be possible, but additional features such as automatic parking using sensors can be purchased by subscription. Even if there is a subscription system for the features already in the vehicle, there is no need to pay to continue using the feature.

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