Hidden Hands Are Buying From This Altcoin Instead of SHIB!

David Gokhstein, founder and CEO of Gokhstein Media, shared which altcoin project secret hands are investing in. He claims these investors have been shifting to an altcoin lately, despite constantly buying SHIB. This altcoin is Terra’s new token, LUNA Classic (LUNC), which crashed in May.

“Hidden hands started buying this altcoin instead of SHIB”

Famous cryptocurrency phenomenon and CEO of Gokhstein Media, David Gokhstein became known for his tweets about Luna Classic. In a post he shared yesterday, Gokhstein explained why, in his opinion, some people buy LUNC. According to him, secret hands love LUNC very much. This post did not surprise anyone, as Gokshtein had previously called LUNC a “lottery ticket”.

David Gokhstein says the Shiba Inu (SHIB) for hidden hands is constantly on trend. However, he adds that LUNC is now starting to replace SHIB. In fact, Gokhstein is extremely complaining about this situation. Because, according to him, these cryptocurrencies basically serve people like gamblers to transfer money quickly. Gokhstein says secret hands are starting to buy LUNC for such purposes.

“The back of the LUNC project is blank”

In fact, Gokhstein does not like LUNA Classic at all. In a previous post, he asked his followers not to tell him about LUNC. He also asked them not to tag him in such posts. The famous crypto phenomenon made a post on the subject and said: “The back of the project is completely blank, so LUNC is just a lottery ticket”. He then published a series describing the working model of this lottery ticket.

The famous CEO tried to explain the new Terra in a simple way with an old kid’s game. It was an old game where everyone had to grab a chair when the music stopped. Each time the players sit in this game, one person is left open and this person is eliminated. Here, Gokhstein says, that exposed person is a trader who always has a big investment in LUNC.

“I am waiting for SHIB to rally to these levels”

Gokhstein, who is also the CEO of cryptocurrency project PAC Protocol, is waiting for a rally for SHIB. According to him, the 2nd largest meme coin in the market is ready to rise. cryptocoin.com As we reported, Gokhstein shared in a past post that SHIB could go up to $ 0.001. However, according to him, the meme token will never see $1 due to Shiba Inu’s supply.

Also, in another post, Gokhstein asked SHIB for a favor. Accordingly, the cryptocurrency phenomenon wanted the SHIB price to rise to $0.01 and said it needed it. Gokshtein continues to expect this from the Shiba Inu later in the year. Many speculate that Gokshtein invested in the Shiba Inu. However, the CEO never disclosed the assets in his portfolio.

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