Here Is The Most Searched Altcoin For Investors!

This week, the sensational developments surrounding Dogecoin prevented it from straying further from the top 10 cryptocurrencies. According to Google Insights data, the same effect is reflected in search results. Let’s take a look at popular altcoin searches in weeks 8-15.

Dogecoin searches peak

After Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced that electric cars can now be purchased with Dogecoin, the DOGE price increased its 24-hour gain to 25%. Google Insights data shows that the demand is reflected in the search engines. Google trends from January 8 to January 15 are dominated by Dogecoin over Shiba Inu (SHIB). The chart below shows the popularity of meme coins on Google. 100 means it’s full, 50 half as popular.

What happened in the altcoin project?

Interest in Dogecoin during the week peaked early Friday morning after Tesla announced its payment method. Previously, there were plenty of claims that Tesla was preparing to integrate Doge payments in the source code on its website. On January 14, CEO Elon Musk confirmed in the tweet below that orders can be placed with Dogecoin. You can find the details we have given as . and former US politician David Gokhshtein’s comments on DOGE, SHIB and FLOKI here.

It may come as no surprise that search trends correlate with price action. Dogecoin’s price peaked at $0.70 in April 2021, with Google searches also indicating record interest. Dogecoin rival Shiba Inu, on the other hand, remains silent in this process. Shiba, which was pulled back in market cap by Polygon (MATIC), is trading at $0.00003069 with weekly gains of 8.40%. Dogecoin, on the other hand, is holding its weekly gains above 15% after its local high of $0.2032. For comparison, in the same week, Bitcoin and Ethereum rose 3.88% and 7.64%, respectively.

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