Here are the Top 10 Metaverse Coins! –

Ben GCrypto shared the top 10 metaverse coin projects. Accordingly, Internet Computer (ICP) ranks first as the largest metaverse coin by market cap. The weekly performance of the popular metaverse coin The Sandbox (SAND), which is third on the list, is pretty bad. The altcoin is struggling as it is currently in the red more than 19%.

Analyst shared the list of top 10 metaverse coin projects

cryptocoin.comAs you follow, the metaverse trend started in late 2021. The gathering of Facebook’s group of companies under the name Meta was also effective in this. The metaverse trend has brought metaverse coins to the fore in the crypto market. This triggered extraordinary increases in the respective altcoin prices. Although the crypto bear market is fading this segment, there are still projects that are trying to maintain their position. The CEO of Generation Crypto Media Channel, known as Ben GCrypto, took to Twitter to announce the top 10 metaverse coin projects by market cap. The list shared by the analyst is in the table below.

Largest metaverse coin projects by market cap / Source: CoinGecko

Internet Computer (ICP) is at the top of the list. The altcoin is currently trading at $3.71 after a price increase of 2.81% in the last 24 hours. However, crypto has been in the red more than 6% over the past week at press time. With a market cap of $1,035,978,055, ICP is currently the 37th largest cryptocurrency overall by market cap.

What other projects are on the list?

The popular metaverse coin, Axie Infinity (AXS), is currently in second place, priced at $6.77. At press time, AXS lost around 0.67% and 1.07% strength against Bitcoin and Ethereum, respectively. Axie Infinity is followed by another popular metaverse coin, Sandbox (SAND). SAND, which is third on the list, has seen a 1.18% price increase in the last 24 hours. The altcoin is currently trading at $0.4446. However, SAND’s weekly performance is in pretty bad shape as the token price has dropped by more than 19% in seven days.

Other metaverse coins in the top five include Decentraland (MANA), which is currently in the green zone with 0.01%. In addition, Enjin Coin (ENJ), which has fallen by 0.24% in the last 24 hours, has also managed to enter the top 5. Other metaverse coin landscapes in the top 10: Magic (MAGIC), Render (RNDR), Circle of Merit (MC), FLOKI (FLOKI), and Illuvium (ILV).

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