Here are the details and the effect on the price!

NFT marketplace Rarible has announced that Tezos-based NFTs will be featured as part of its integration with the Tezos blockchain. Multi-chain compatibility will allow users to trade Tezos NFTs in the Rarible market. Detail‘in.

Critical NFT partnership

NFT marketplace Rarible officially launched its integration with Proof-of-Stake Blockchain Tezos on Wednesday. This collaboration will allow Rarible to feature Tezos NFTs in its market and users to print low-cost NFTs while supporting secondary sales of live Tezos projects. Rarible’s integration with Tezos marks a third-layer blockchain powered by the platform along with Ethereum and Flow, Dapper Labs’ blockchain network powering NBA Top Shot. According to Rarible CEO Alexei Falin, in Rarible’s effort to create a multi-chain platform to consolidate the NFT space, integrations with Solana and Polygon are next:

Rarible believes the future of NFTs is cross-chain and interoperability is key to a fluid, successful NFT ecosystem. We’ve seen many alternative blockchains find appeal in the NFT space for their unique offerings, particularly Tezos for their low cost and energy-efficient mintage process through proof-of-stake verification.

Users can print, buy, and sell new Tezos NFTs, starting with the in-game metaverse collections from legacy gaming organization Ubisoft called Digits. It can also trade in the secondary market. Rarible plans to print new collections through private contracts and set royalties for imported collections that already exist on Tezos. Falin added that he hopes “Rarible users will benefit from an enhanced experience in our marketplace while enjoying investing in a wider array of NFT projects available on the robust Tezos network.” The effect of this partnership did not take long to reflect on prices. At the time of writing, Rarible was up 9% at $14.04, while Tezos was up 4.2% at $4.49.

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