Here Are The 7 Most Traded Metaverse Coins!

This year, we have witnessed the power of the metaverse coin trend as projects continue to create virtual reality environments and integrate them with Blockchain technology. Let’s take a look at the top seven most traded metaverse coins in the market and provide a brief overview of each cryptocurrency, ranked by 24-hour trading volume from lowest to highest.

Here are the most traded metaverse coin projects

  • With a 24-hour trading volume of $150 million, WEMIX (WMIX) is a South Korean game studio that was released in October 2020, looking to create easy-to-play Blockchain-based games with an extensive collection of games currently in development.
  • Next up is MyNeighborAlice (ALICE), a multiplayer blockchain game released in spring 2021, with a 24-hour trading volume of $123 million. Anyone can buy and own virtual land, build items and meet new friends in the MyNeighborAlice ecosystem.
  • Enjin Coin (ENJ) is in fifth place with $168 million. Launched in June 2018, the Enjin ecosystem is one of the longest running projects in crypto. It has a top-rated mobile app with over 1.7 million downloads.
  • In fourth place is Theta Network (THETA), a Twitch-like streaming platform with a 24-hour trading volume of 203 million.
  • The third largest metaverse coin project on the list, Axie Infinity (AXS), is the pioneering metaverse game released in March 2018. Axie Infinity is a 2D browser game that lets users collect Pokemon-inspired creatures called Axies. The 24-hour trading volume is $357 million.
  • Decentraland (MANA) is the 31st largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization with a daily trading volume of $590 million. First released in February 2020, Decentraland is the forerunner of classic 3D metaverse coin games. It went live two years ago and has since remained the most popular 3D virtual world on the market. You can reach the metaverse guides that we have prepared as part-1, part-2 here.

Metaverse volume giant: Sandbox (SAND)

In the first place is a 3D virtual world that includes RPG features such as Sandbox (SAND), Decentraland, with a 24-hour trading volume of $671 million, allowing players to hone their characters’ skills and earn SAND tokens as a reward. Sandbox makes it one of the safest investments for metaverse coins, not only because it is one of the most valuable projects on the market, but also because of its consistently high trading volume and top-notch partnerships.

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