Here are Current Forecasts for AVAX, DOGE, BTC and 7 Altcoins!

This week, BlockFi co-founder Flori Marquez said that regulators and higher crypto prices could spark a FOMO sentiment and boost crypto adoption in 2022. Moreover, the web browser Opera has announced the integration of Polygon (MATIC), and millions of Opera users will have access to Polygon’s ecosystem, first on the Android platform and then on other devices. Besides these positive news, Bitcoin (BTC) is spending its first hours above $ 50,000 and the market in general is accompanying it. Let’s take a look at the current forecasts of AVAX, DOGE, BTC and 7 altcoins that may test their critical resistance in the coming days…

BTC, ETH, SOL, ADA and 6 altcoin analysis

Bitcoin dropped below $47,259 on December 17, but the bears failed to keep up and rebounded above $50,000 on December 23. According to Rakesh Upadyay, whose analysis we shared with you, $52,000 is likely to form a resistance for BTC, but if the bulls rise above it, their next target will be $60,000.

Ethereum is trying to turn $4,055 into support. According to the analyst, after this level, buyers will target the levels of $ 4,488 and $ 4,868. ETH is waiting for $5,859 later, however, in a bearish scenario, the first supports are $3,643.73 followed by $3,302.

Predictions for AVAX, DOGE, BTC and 7 Altcoins!

Binance Coin (BNB) has reached above $500. According to the analyst, the next targets of the bulls are $ 617 and $ 669.30. If $500 is broken on the downside, $437 support awaits.

Predictions for AVAX, DOGE, BTC and 7 Altcoins!

Solana (SOL) has been trading around $180 for the past few days. The analyst identifies initial resistances at $204.10 and $240. On a possible decline, $167, $148.04 and $121 will act as support.

Predictions for AVAX, DOGE, BTC and 7 Altcoins!

Cardano (ADA) bears failed to push the price below $1.18. As the price reaches above $1.35, the next targets are $1.47 and $1.87.

Rippe (XRP) managed to stay above $0.87. As it broke at $1, the analyst identifies the $1.20 and $1.41 resistances. On the upside, critical supports will be $1, $0.85 and $0.75.

Terra (LUNA) broke the $78.29 resistance on Dec. 20. It ended the week with a peak of $98.20. The next resistance is $124.65, according to the analyst.

Avalanche (AVAX) jumped from $104 on December 20 to $119.69 on December 21. The analyst identifies the $131.70 and $147 resistances. Supports are $98 and $75.50.

Polkadot (DOT) jumped from $22.66 to $25. As the $28.21 resistance is also broken, the next ones are $28.84, $31.49 and $39.35, according to the analyst.

Finally, Dogecoin (DOGE) found strong support at $0.15 on Dec. 20. Now that $0.17 has been breached, the analyst identifies the $0.19 and $0.22 resistances.

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