Here are 7 Altcoins Losing the Most This Week and Their Expectations!

After reviewing the green board record holders of the week, let’s list the 7 most losing altcoin projects of the week of January 7-14. Analyst Valdrin Tahiri identifies critical support levels at which prices may react up.

  1. Ravencoin (RVN): -16.71%
  2. Helium (HNT): -15.35%
  3. Loopring (LRC): -14.51%
  4. Cosmos (ATOM): -12.52%
  5. Decentraland (MANA): -8.03%
  6. Filecoin (FIL): -7.56%
  7. Coin (CRO): -5.88%

Here are the most damaging altcoin projects of the week

The RVN has been falling with a descending resistance line since August. The downside momentum deepened to $0.064 on Dec. It then caused a divergence below the $0.09 horizontal support line. However, he reclaimed the line shortly after and has been moving upwards ever since. A break above the resistance line could greatly accelerate the bullish momentum.

On December 17, HNT broke out of a descending resistance line. It bounced back three days later (green icon) to confirm as support and then resumed its upward move. Later, the token returned to $32 and confirmed as support. According to the analyst, a bounce from the region can be expected. Loopring (LRC), which we have included in our analysis, has been falling since November 10, when the ATH level reached $ 3.86. If a bounce occurs from the strong support below, the nearest area of ​​resistance is $2.62.

ATOM has been following a descending resistance line since Sept. 20, when ATH reached $44.8. Although it initially looked like it broke out on January 6, it fell below and confirmed the line as resistance once again. A break above the line could lead the bulls to the ATH level.

MANA has been declining since reaching ATH on November 25. It broke out of the $3 horizontal support area on Jan 10 and confirmed as resistance two days later (red icon). Until this area is recovered, the trend cannot be considered bullish.

Top 7 Losing Altcoin Projects of the Week

Filecoin (FIL) has been falling since Sept. It broke from a descending wedge and the $44 horizontal area on Dec. 4, accelerating the bearish rate. So far, it has dropped to $26.34 by doing so on Jan 10. The closest support area is the $22 zone.

Top 7 Losing Altcoin Projects of the Week

The CRO has been falling since ATH hit $0.97 on Nov. 24. The downside move has deepened to $0.36 on December 4th so far. However, the CRO is trading just above the $0.42 support area. The strongest support is the horizontal support line at $0.32.

Top 7 Losing Altcoin Projects of the Week

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