Here are 5 Metaverse Coins Expected to Make Success in 2022!

Crypto commentator Kyle Portman considers the most successful metaverse coin and project under $10 to follow closely in 2022.

Metahero prepares the most realistic Web3 experience with Everdome

First released in June 2021, Metahero describes itself as the gateway to the metaverse. The project builds a next-generation metaverse that allows users to scan themselves and other real-world objects into the virtual world. With the upcoming Everdome, a very realistic version of the metaverse will include a Web3 experience for those interested. According to the analyst, Metahero is worth keeping an eye on in 2022 as its designs and the overall vision are one of the most compelling on the market.

Launched in 2017, Worldwide Asset eXchange (WAX) is considered one of the best blockchains currently available for metaverse coins. In addition, thanks to its PoS Blockchain, WAX is also referred to as the world’s most environmentally friendly metaverse coin project. Considering multi-billion dollar projects like Enjin Coin and Theta Network, the price of WAXP could easily double or triple in 2022.

The next metaverse coin, Decentraland, is currently the highest value project with a market cap of $5.3 billion. As the English name suggests, Decentraland features a decentralized metaverse world that allows players to explore their vast universe. Thus, it’s a project worth keeping an eye on in 2022, according to the analyst, as the ecosystem grows exponentially and is rapidly entering the mainstream bride.

Meet the Metaverse coin giants

The second-ranked Theta is a next-generation video and entertainment platform with a robust ecosystem of NFTs, dApps and more. The project is gearing up for the new TNT-20 token TDROP, scheduled for launch on February 1, 2022, and brings decentralized governance to the platform through staking. On the other hand, as the ecosystem continues to evolve, the THETA market could potentially start a major bull run, according to the analyst.

The first-line Sandbox is similar to Decentraland, but offers a full-fledged desktop client so it offers a more immersive and higher quality experience than its competitors. Sandbox has also received a lot of attention, particularly from icons like Snoop Dogg, who announced plans to build his own sandbox playground, Snoopverse. As SAND’s ecosystem continues to grow this year, the market cap of the project could easily reach $10 billion, according to the analyst. Also, SAND is considered one of the most popular metaverse coins for the 2022 portfolio.

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