Here are 5 Cryptocurrencies to Bet on in 2022!

Finding the right cryptocurrency to invest before it’s too late is extremely difficult. So what are the top 5 cryptocurrencies to bet on in 2022? Advice from analyst Jonathan Gibson‘in.

5 cryptocurrency tips

1 – Bitcoin (BTC). What makes Bitcoin one of the top 5 cryptocurrencies to bet on in 2022? Bitcoin’s largest digital asset in the market and the leader in terms of market direction. For example, if Bitcoin goes up, the entire crypto market will follow. If Bitcoin falls, the entire market falls too. BTC can also be accepted as legal official currency by other countries besides El Salvador. Let’s not forget that there is only 21 million BTC to be issued, so there is a limited number of cryptocurrencies available.

2 – Left (LEFT). Above all, Solana is growing as an alternative to inefficient smart contract networks. For example, we have seen how Ethereum users pay very high fees to move money from one wallet to another. In 2022, we may see projects running on top of Ethereum move their operations to Solana.

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3 – Litecoin (LTC). Litecoin developers are said to be working on adding privacy features to LTC. This has been one of Litecoin’s main goals for the past few years. The aim will be to make Litecoin coins (LTC) tradable through Confidential Transactions. If this is finally implemented in 2022, Litecoin will be the largest privacy coin on the market.

4 – Ethereum. ETH has always been a cryptocurrency to add to our portfolios. This virtual currency has been the second largest currency in the market for many years and is expected to continue that way at least into 2022 (unless something unexpected happens).

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5 – Dogecoin (DOGE). Finally, one of our top 5 cryptocurrencies to bet on in 2022 is Dogecoin. Why? Simply because Dogecoin has a massive 2021 that could be repeated in the future. The Dogecoin community is definitely focused on DOGE reaching $1 per coin, which is nothing crazy considering what happened in 2021.

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