Here are 15 Events That Will Impact Bitcoin and Altcoins This Week!

In the coming week, a series of key economic events and cryptocurrency updates will shape the financial landscape. Here is a list of key events and developments to watch out for for Bitcoin and altcoins.

What awaits Bitcoin and altcoins this week?

A few influential figures from the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) will take the stage from Monday, July 10. FOMC Member Daly is scheduled to speak at 5:30 PM, FOMC Member Mester at 6:00 PM and FOMC Member Bostic at 7:00 PM. These speeches are expected to give an idea about the committee’s stance on monetary policy. In the cryptocurrencies space, Constellation (DAG) will launch IntegrationNet on the same day. So, it will offer a new platform for users. Also, Qredo (QRDO) will release an update.

On Tuesday, July 11, FOMC Member Bullard will deliver a speech at 4:00 p.m. to offer more perspective on the committee’s monetary policy outlook. Also, Hedera (HBAR) will release Mainnet V0.39, which includes a Security Model Update aimed at strengthening the stability of the platform.

Especially on Wednesday

On Wednesday, July 12, it is quite critical. Because CPI data will emerge. Market participants will closely follow the monthly data of the US Core Consumer Price Index (CPI), which will be announced at 15:30. Analysts are expecting a 0.3% increase, which is slightly lower than the previous month’s 0.4% gain. Simultaneously, the US Consumer Price Index (CPI) Annual data will be released, projecting an increase of 3.1%, down from the previous 4.0% increase. Later in the day, FOMC Member Kashkari will deliver a speech at 4:45 PM, followed by the release of the Fed Beige Book at 9 PM, which provides an overview of economic conditions across the US. Also, Kava (KAVA) will introduce Kava 14, a major update to their platform. In addition, Aptos (APT) will unlock the $32 million coin.

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US Initial Unemployment Claims data will be released at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 13, with expectations at 249,000, slightly higher than the previous week’s 248,000. In addition, US Producer Price Index (PPI) Monthly data will be released, with a 0.2% increase expected after the previous 0.3% decrease. Later in the day, US Fed Balance Sheet data will also be released. As we wrap up the week, the US Michigan Prospects will be released on Friday, July 14. On Saturday, July 15, IMX will unlock $12.6 million in coins. On Sunday, July 16, MultiversX (EGLD) will launch its Hatom Mainnet, marking an important milestone for the project.

Market participants will be keeping a close eye on these developments throughout the week as they may have an impact on various sectors and investment strategies. As the global economy continues to recover, these events will play an important role in shaping future trends and investor sentiment.

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