Here are 10 Altcoins with a Brighter Future Than Bitcoin!

Major brands and financial institutions, even countries, have embraced cryptocurrencies. Thanks to this, the importance of the crypto market has increased dramatically in 2021. Later, altcoin projects with technologies superior to Bitcoin began to move step by step into the leadership seat. In this article, let’s examine 10 altcoin projects that are candidates for the leadership seat from Sayantani Sanyal’s list.

Top 10 altcoin projects to replace Bitcoin in 2023

Ethereum (ETH)

Ethereum has completed the much anticipated merge upgrade that caused its price to drop drastically. However, experts expect the drop to have a temporary, long-term positive impact on the market for ETH 2.0. Due to the successful implementation of Merge, it is among the predictions that ETH could surpass Bitcoin in the coming months. The earliest date for this on the horizon is 2023.

Cardano (ADA)

Cardano has shown an intense stance and composure at a time when the entire crypto market is crashing. Scalability, sustainability, and interoperability are some of its main attractions. The latest Vasil upgrade accelerates the smart contract capabilities of the Cardano network. ADA is currently witnessing high volatility like any other cryptocurrency in the market. But experts continue to expect a substantial return on investment in 2022.

10 Altcoins with a Brighter Future Than Bitcoin


XRP’s dominance in the crypto market is growing rapidly. Thanks to the consensus protocol, XRP can process transactions in seconds with low cost and minimum energy. Thus, it becomes one of the more environmentally friendly cryptocurrencies. We can say that one of the biggest advantages of XRP is its speed. Therefore, most experts consider XRP to be a better investment than Bitcoin in 2023.

10 Altcoins with a Brighter Future Than Bitcoin

BNB Coin (BNB)

BNB is backed by the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, Binance. Therefore, its future depends entirely on the growth of the stock market. According to the available data, the scenario is quite positive. Binance is currently trying to dominate stablecoins. Analysts predict that 2023 will flow differently for BNB.

10 Altcoins with a Brighter Future Than Bitcoin

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cryptocoin.comSolana was one of the top performers of 2021. She was also among the fastest growing projects. The growing investor community is excited to see how a new name like SOL can gain a foothold better than Bitcoin. However, its network is quite vulnerable and suffers from frequent outages. However, it remains a strong investment option in 2023.

Polkadot (DOT)

Polkadot is one of the most secure and innovative networks in the crypto market today. Analysts believe the price of DOT will skyrocket in 2023, as the growing popularity and development of the Web 3.0 space makes cryptocurrency one of the most popular cryptocurrency investments on the market.

Polygon (MATIC)

Polygon is one of the most popular cryptocurrencies known as a valuable layer-2 scaling solution for Ethereum. Experts believe that for quite some time, MATIC has been among the best cryptos. However, it is largely underutilized. The year 2023 can provide successful prospects for MATIC, as a growing number of on-chain and off-chain brands have already expressed their interest in establishing their space on the platform.


Aave is one of the most profitable cryptocurrencies. Over the years, it has successfully taken its place in the crypto market. One of the largest lenders with a highly efficient and intuitive protocol, Aave is legal and stands as one of the best cryptocurrency investment options in 2023.

Decentraland (MANA)

Decentraland is a decentralized, immersive, Ethereum-based virtual reality platform. Its network combines exciting features such as entertainment, gaming and e-commerce to entice individuals and businesses to invest. With the growing popularity of Metaverse, the price of MANA is expected to explode in 2023.

Avalanche (AVAX)

Avalanche is one of the few blockchains that can scale without sacrificing decentralization. The potential for interoperability with other networks is faster and more efficient. Avalanche Blockchain modifies consensus algorithms based on use case, and the network has more validators than any other crypto network. It is one of the best cryptocurrencies that can be bought before the end of 2022 to make huge profits next year.

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