He Said I Saw the Final Version of the Cryptocurrency Bill, Explained the Details!

Technology writer Ahmet Usta “Your Crypto Assets And he made a new post, claiming to have seen the final version of the Draft Amendment on Regulating Crypto Asset Service Providers.

held in Ankara recently. crypto asset law Usta, who also participated in the workshop as a speaker, stated that in the final draft, all the regulations that would harm the sector were eliminated.

The master’s share is as follows:

I have seen the final version of the “Draft Amendment to Regulating Crypto Assets and Crypto Asset Service Providers”. In this way, almost all problematic issues have been eliminated and positive steps have been taken. I congratulate everyone who contributed to the constructive approach in absentia.

I should also add: While preparing this final draft, expert opinions and evaluations were taken into account along with the public’s reaction. Please, as an industry, let’s consider this not as a victory, but as using new communication channels on the way to common sense.

With this experience; Innovation in the blockchain ecosystem is also supported if further consultation and application-based conditions are set whenever secondary regulations are made. Let’s not forget that everyone wants the best of this country and our nation.”

While the sharing of Usta made some investors happy, it confused others.

Investors, who did not understand how the so-called draft, which was criticized for being so bad two days ago and causing some domestic stock markets to be targeted, got to a very good point in two days, evaluated that the shares targeting some stock markets over the so-called draft could be the product of a PR study.

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