He Said Fake Inflation Will Crash Bitcoin, He Shared The Products He Will Buy!

American businessman Robert Kiyosaki, the author of the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, claimed that the high inflation environment in the USA was fake in his Twitter post.

Saying that the “fake inflation” environment was created by the Fed and US President Joe Biden, Kiyosaki stated that there is an impending collapse for gold, silver and real estate, including Bitcoin.

The famous writer argued that the market will rise again after stating that the collapse that will come after the fake inflation created by the US administration actually offers an excellent opportunity to invest in Bitcoin, gold and silver.

Robert Kiyosaki, who has been warning about the impending market collapse for nearly a year, also advised investors to be careful about inflation.

“FED and Biden are pushing “fake inflation”. Collapse is coming. Gold, silver, Bitcoin, real estate will also collapse. Be prepared to buy more gold, silver, Bitcoin, real estate after the crash. The period after the fake inflation crashes is the time to get richer. Be aware. Be careful.”

The American investor also said in his previous tweets, “The markets will go down at the first moment in October. But crashes are good opportunities to get rich. I think stocks will not recover very well after this crash. But I think gold and Bitcoin will recover very quickly and the rally will begin.” he said.

Kiyosaki has previously made a name for himself by predicting that Bitcoin will exceed $50,000 in 2021 as a result of the weakness of the US economy.

*Not Investment Advice.

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