Harry Potter Themed Metaverse Wedding to Take Place in India

Dinesh SP and Janaganandhini Ramaswamy, who live in the state of Tamil Nadu, will hold the first metaverse wedding in India. The wedding will be Harry Potter themed.

It is stated that the couple who will get married will take care of the official procedures on the morning of the wedding day, and the guests will cry in the virtual environment in the evening.

In a statement on Twitter, Dinesh said that this is the case on the Polygon blockchain. first metaverse wedding He said it would be and the idea was his.

Harry Potter’s wedding to be held at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry the couple’s friends around the world and his friends will attend. Wedding to be held online via a link can attend.

Dinesh, for this marriage “TardiVerseHe stated that he collaborated with the metaverse company.

Stating that he had been mining cryptocurrencies last year, Dinesh said that he decided to hold a wedding in the metaverse because blockchain technology is the foundation of the metaverse. He also stated that he thought it would make more sense considering the covid-19 pandemic.

american couple Traci and Dave GagnonThey were the first couple to marry in the metaverse. The wedding was held in a hall created by the US-based company Virbela.

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