Green Light from Donald Trump to SHIB Coin and Those 7 Cryptos!

Former President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has begun accepting cryptocurrency donations, including Bitcoin, SHIB coin and other cryptocurrencies. This decision follows his recent announcement as a crypto candidate at the Mar-a-Lago gala. The move positions Trump as the first major party candidate to welcome crypto contributions.

Trump says to accept SHIB coin and these cryptos in his campaign

The Trump campaign has made a groundbreaking announcement that it will accept cryptocurrency donations for the 2024 presidential election. This decision puts Donald Trump at the forefront of integrating crypto assets into political fundraising. Backers can contribute using a wide variety of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Ripple, Cardano, Shiba Inu, Solana, USDC. Contributions are made through popular wallets such as Coinbase Wallet and MetaMask. Thus, controversial figure Trump is expanding the campaign’s reach to tech-savvy voters.

The Trump campaign introduced the term “crypto army” to describe its strategy of mobilizing support through cryptocurrency donations. This move directly opposes Senator Elizabeth Warren’s “anti-crypto army.” It also highlights opposing views on cryptocurrencies in the political arena. Trump’s campaign aims to appeal to voters who feel excluded by current policies. By embracing cryptocurrencies, Trump is positioning himself as a champion of technological progress in America.

first in US history

This marks the first time in American history that a major party’s presidential candidate has actively welcomed donations in various cryptocurrencies. Previously, political campaigns mostly limited themselves to Bitcoin donations. Trump’s decision to accept a wider range of cryptocurrencies is significant in US political fundraising. This initiative not only showcases Trump’s forward-thinking approach. It also supports the growing influence of crypto assets. As a result, this move is expected to attract significant support from the crypto community to the Republican party.

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Trump’s embrace of cryptocurrency extends beyond his campaign. Because it has potential consequences for the broader market. Analysts suggest that this support could increase political pressure on crypto skeptics and influence regulatory decisions. The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is currently scrutinizing the crypto market. According to some, Trump’s decision could positively affect the chances of approval of Ethereum ETFs. Following Trump’s announcement, cryptos such as Solana-based meme coin Doland Tremp made significant gains.

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