Great danger for Google in the European Union!

The European Union may request the separation of Google’s advertising technologies division. It has been reported that the EU Commission, which is Europe’s anti-monopoly regulator, may request the separation of Google’s advertising technologies division.

The commission said in a statement that Google is using its dominant role in buying and selling online ads on third-party websites and apps to direct the business to its own ad bidding division.

In its preliminary opinion, the commission stated that Google’s advertising technologies division should sell its parts, while it did not provide information on which parts should be sold.

The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this week that the commission is considering ordering the dismantling of Google’s ad technology business.

Google-EU dispute one step behind

Google’s advertising dispute with the European Union (EU) covers a series of legal proceedings involving investigations and penalties against Google for compliance with EU competition rules. This dispute concerns Google’s market dominance, anti-competitive practices, and activities in the advertising industry.

The EU accused Google of unfair competition in the search engine market and conducted several antitrust investigations. Some of these investigations concerned Google’s preferential display of its own products over those of other companies and its anti-competitive practices. In addition, Google’s dominance in the advertising industry and its practices towards advertisers were also investigated.

This dispute brought various penalties and sanctions to Google. The EU imposed large fines on Google and in some cases demanded that the company change its operations. The ad dispute significantly affects Google’s activities and advertising policies in the EU.

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