Great Challenge from the European Union to the USA and China

The European Union has approved a $ 8.1 billion support package for companies from 14 countries that will conduct research and development activities in the chip industry.

The society that is the superpower of the future, It will be the society that invests and benefits the most in semiconductor technologies. This fact has been told and reminded many times by experts, officials and companies around the world.

Today, while the leading countries in this issue are limited to China and the USA, today, a call came from the European Union to challenge the world. European Union, Covering 14 countries and supporting the chip industry approved the new package.

$ 8.1 billion support to 56 companies from 14 countries!

The new package approved by the European Union, “Important Projects of Common European Interest” will be included under its umbrella. In other words, all companies and projects that receive support from this package will work for the rise of the European Union.

The package can be used by a total of 56 companies from Germany, France, Netherlands, Austria, Czechia, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Poland, Romania, Spain and Slovakia. These companies will include European giants such as Airbus and ASML.

Projects that will benefit from the package will have a specific purpose. The projects will consist of projects within the scope of “research and development of resource-efficient technologies and components”.

Projects such as chips, sensors, processors, new materials and tools, new work and developments such as chip design and manufacturing process will cover them.

The USA, on the other hand, made the 39 billion dollar incentive available in the past weeks:


US Officially Launches ‘Technology War’ Against China: $39 Billion Incentive!

Are there incentives in Turkey?

Last May, Industry and Technology Minister of the time, Mustafa Varank, announced Turkey’s first incentive package for these studies. Varank’s explanation was as follows:

“With this call with a budget of 270 million liras, we will bring together large companies that need chips with small companies that design chips, SMEs. We will support the development of domestic chip design solutions.

In this way, our big manufacturers will start using these locally and nationally designed chips. Thus, the ecosystem will further develop and Turkey’s presence in the world in value-added areas will come to the fore.”

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