Governments Can Even Access Twitter Messages

A historical statement about Twitter came from Elon Musk. Musk said that some government agencies have full authority over access to Twitter data. Moreover, this included messaging between users.

Billionaire businessman Elon Musk participated in the program of the famous US presenter Tucker Carlson. Making evaluations on the agenda, Musk bought it for $ 44 billion last year. twitter He made a scandalous statement about it. Musk, on Twitter of some government institutions and organizations have full authorityadmitted that they had access to the data.

Elon Musk’s claims were significant. Because governments are responsible for users’ data and even to direct messages It doesn’t even make sense to be able to reach it. Moreover, according to his claim, Musk himself was not aware. Evaluating the event after the confession, Musk said, “It blew my mind.‘ he said.

It is unclear when and by whom this authority was given.

The video, in which a small part of Elon Musk’s interview is shared, is important. to the uncertainties owner. For example, it is not clear by whom and when the authority in question was given. Elon Musk, this situation after purchasing the company He states that he has learned. It is also unclear which governments have this authority. According to Elon Musk, it is a fact that the US government has accessed user messages. But the situation in different locations, such as the Turkish, British, French or Japanese governments, is uncertain.

A few seconds of Elon Musk’s explanation:

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