Google renames Gallery Go app

Google for entry-level smartphones and tablets in 2019 Gallery Go published the application. A new update has been released for the application, which is an alternative to Google Photos.

Google in 2017 Android Go announced the operating system that runs fluently on entry-level devices. The company later released new versions of applications such as Google Assistant, YouTube, Maps and Gmail, optimizing them for Android Go users.

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According to 9to5Google news, with the new update released by Google, the Gallery Go application has changed its name. On the other hand, this year YouTube Go announced that it will unplug the application.

Google changed the logo and name of the Gallery Go app

Users will see the name change with the update of the Gallery Go app. Over 100 million downloads The app is among the few Go apps available on all Android devices.

Size under 10MB The Gallery, which has almost all the features in the Google Photos application, is available. Users can automatically sort their galleries into categories such as selfies, nature, animals, videos, and movies.

What do you think about this change? You can share your ideas in the comments section and on the SDN Forum.

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