Google Is Working Against A Software That Influences 1 Million Users And Uses The Bitcoin Blockchain

Google has taken action to block cryptocurrency mining software that evades cybersecurity expertise using the Bitcoin blockchain.

Malware named “Glupteba” More than 1 million computers Google, who said that the software was infected and sued the suspects about the process, Google stated that it stole membership information and mining cryptocurrencies without permission.

First of all, the software 2011 Saying that it was noticed in the year 2015, Google said that the software was transmitted to users who download applications over the internet with a system that looks just like the application they downloaded.

The pirated software remains active using the Bitcoin blockchain. When the software is interfered with in any way, it becomes active again with the information obtained by scanning the specified wallet addresses in the blockchain.

Google said that the software cannot be shut down without completely clearing its infrastructure on the blockchain. In addition, Google stated that the software is based on three different bitcoin addresses.

Since the names of the defendants are not known in the lawsuit filed, Google described them with pseudonyms, for the defendants. Dmitry Starovikov and Alexander Filippov used their names.

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