Google introduced the Android Earthquake Warning System

As it is known, disaster management is one of the most important issues in countries like our country, which are located above effective earthquake zones. Technological developments aimed at facilitating disaster and crisis management make it easier to take precautions against earthquakes. Google also launched the Android Earthquake Warning System, which it developed based on the Android phone ecosystem with a large number of users and the speed of the servers.

Android phones, which act as warning devices thanks to the Android Earthquake Warning System developed by Google, send notifications that can save seconds to users during earthquakes.

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Disaster management will play an important role in the warning system

In January, Google held a press conference to give detailed information about the Android Earthquake Warning System, which sent a warning notice to Android users about two earthquakes with a magnitude of 4.5, centered in Alanya and Balıkesir, and to emphasize the importance of seconds in an earthquake.

At the meeting, Google Product Manager Boone Spooner shared the contributions of the Android Earthquake Warning System and the details of the system. At the meeting, it was also informed that, thanks to the link planned to be placed in the warnings in the system towards the end of the year, users can easily access the details of the earthquake and the necessary information such as correct behavior in the event of an earthquake by going to AFAD’s website immediately after receiving the earthquake warning.

Google Product Manager Boone Spooner, who stated that they aim to help users with the awareness that every second makes a difference in natural disasters with the Android Earthquake Warning System, made the following statements about the developed system:

The Android Earthquake Warning System stands out today as a very important system, especially for those living in active earthquake zones. Turkey, along with New Zealand and Greece, is among the first countries to make Android earthquake alerts available outside of the US last year. Technically, the system uses accelerometers found in most of the more than 3 billion Android smartphones used around the world to detect the vibration and speed of an earthquake and gives the necessary warnings to its users. With this system, we aim to save time for our users in the event of an earthquake. Because we know that a few seconds gained during an earthquake saves a very critical time for getting the right position and getting ready.

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