Google I/O Extended Web Edition is starting! Here are the details

At the Google I/O event held in May Android 13 operating system Announcing the new models of the Pixel and Pixel series, Google came up with many innovations to the developers. After the I/O, where Google Pixel 6a, Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro and Pixel tablet were introduced, various events are organized by the communities.

One of these events is on Sunday, June 12. Google Developers and Ground Istanbul Google I/O Extended Web Edition!

  • State of Angular
  • A New World Waiting for Developers: Web3
  • WebAssembly

And to attend the event where many more topics will be discussed. by clicking here You can register.

What is Google I/O?

It is the whole of the events where the important developments shared at Google I/O, where Google announces its innovations on technologies, are shared and evaluated in the regional language, that is, in Turkish.

What is a Developer MultiGroup?

It is a voluntary community that hosts different technology communities, aims to bring related technologies together with enthusiasts and to raise awareness of its participants on current developments.

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