Google Chrome was sued with cookie blocking!

both of the internet most usefulas well as the most harmful feature may be cookies. When you log into a site, the data between you and the server is kept as data called cookies. When you start reading a news on Shiftdelete, the site always opens in the theme you choose, thanks to cookies has been possible. However, this feature, which can be used very widely and disturbing our privacy, seems to be a problem for Chrome.

Google Chrome rejects cookies that it considers harmful or ‘exaggerated’. automatically obstacles. German companies opposing this claim that Google’s doing this is against the law. If this accusation reaches its place, a feature may be missing from Chrome.

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Chrome accused of blocking cookies

Ad publishers based in Germany have recently to the European Court made many applications. These submissions claim that Chrome is harming ad networks by blocking cookies. Chrome, which blocks ads that it finds exaggerated and unsafe, as well as harmful cookies, may be unintentionally blocking ad publishers. Chrome as a result of publishers’ complaint to EU paying a hefty fine Might have to remove a feature as well.

google chrome cookie

Aggrieved publishers unite to join the EU. 108 pages submitted a document, and in this document, complaints about the ads not appearing to Chrome users are detailed. It is unknown when this document will be reviewed by the European Union, but the publishers who filed this complaint are taking a very serious stance.

When Google Chrome blocks the cookies of these publishers, you cannot see the ads. Thus, the money that publishers pay for advertisements is largely garbage. It is a fact that the most used browser in the world is Chrome. An ad by Google Chrome is blocked This can cause great harm to the publisher of the ad. Even though Google’s own advertising services such as AdSense are not blocked, the color changes when third parties are mentioned.

google chrome cookie

If a decision is made in favor of the publishers, it is likely that Google will pay for the advertising revenue that the publishers did not earn, and it is about the cookies they block. more careful it will be. It is not known which side will win, but it seems that there is no situation that will affect us internet users either way.

Which side do you think is right?

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