Google Ad Center Released: What Is It And How To Use It?

Google’s new feature called “Ad Center” has started to reach users. With this feature, advertisements seen on Google services can be customized in all details. Thus, maximum benefit will be provided for the user. Here are the features of Ad Center…

US-based technology giant Google, in the I / O events held in May 2022 “Advertising CenterHe mentioned a new feature named ” they could determine.

According to the latest information, Google’s Ad Center feature, has begun to reach users.. Thus, a new era has officially started for the ads we see on Google. Well this new feature gives the user exactly what does it offer? Let’s take a closer look at the Ad Center feature together.

Ad management is completely passed to the user!

Shared screenshots are required to use the Ad Center feature.Personalized AdsWe see that the ” option should be active. If this option is active, it means that you will be able to customize the ads as you wish. The feature has been developed so extensively that it covers everything from topics to brands. each option can be customized.

Advertising Center

Google’s Ad Center, some categories “sensitive“. These have now come across as things like dating apps and alcoholic products. Users will now be able to permanently turn off ads in these categories. Google’s new Ad Center feature will improve the user experience like never before, and the to provide high benefits It looks like it will allow.

How do I get to Google’s Ad Center?

All you need to do to reach Google’s Ad Center feature, which has started to reach users, is to click next to an ad you see. ellipsis icon to touch.


Change That Will Make It Easier To Understand Which Site Has An Advertisement From Google

The Ad Center feature is slowly being offered to users, like most features, and as Webtekno, we cannot access the Ad Center feature at the moment. However, in a short time this waiting for it to change. If this feature is available for you, you can share your experiences with us…

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