Good News to Dogecoin Investors: Giant DOGE News Announced!

Famous cryptocurrency platform Robinhood sent Dogecoin (DOGE) to an external wallet for the first time to test the highly anticipated feature. We have compiled the details for you, let’s examine the subject together…

“This is huge”: Robinhood tests Dogecoin wallet!

Christine Brown, chief operating officer of Robinhood Crypto, shared details of the app’s highly anticipated cryptocurrency wallet feature. Christine Brown added a screenshot of a Dogecoin transfer that took place last week for testing purposes in her latest tweet. This tweet shows 420.71 DOGE ($91.82) transactions being processed for a fee of 0.02 DOGE ($0.0044). The most talked about Dogecoin Core version 1.14.5 has made payments on the leading meme coin network significantly more affordable.

Dogecoin co-founder Billy Markus said in a tweet that the development is “huge” while praising the meme coin’s cheap transaction fees. The company announced that it added cryptocurrency wallets in late September to please its customers. Earlier this month, Christine Brown announced that 1.6 million users have already joined the waiting list. DOGE is trading at $0.219 at the time of writing. Dogecoin (DOGE) price and detailed market data from here you can see.

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