Good News of Shiba Inu from the European Giant: More Coming!

Famous company PlaySide has excited the Shiba Inu army about the scope of the ongoing collaboration. We have compiled the details for you, let’s examine the subject together…

PlaySide gets the Shiba Inu army excited with their announcement

PlaySide Studios, Australia’s largest independent video game developer, said its collaboration with Shiba Inu developers won’t be limited to just releasing a play-to-win game. The company shared some words of praise for the SHIB developers, claiming it was the “most amazing” team it’s ever had the chance to work with. PlaySide also enjoyed working with William Volk, former VP of technology. The games industry veteran joined the Shiba Inu Games entity as a consultant in late November.

Australia’s leading gaming company does not hide its excitement and claims to have developed “something really cool”. Shiba Inu Games joined forces with PlaySide in early December to work on a mobile game that will feature NFTs from the “Shiboshi” collection. PlaySide CEO Gerry Sakkas described the collaboration as an “ideal opportunity” for his company to jump into the cryptocurrency space.

PlaySide has collaborations with big companies like Disney and Pixar

The Melbourne-based company, whose shares are traded on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) under the code PLY, was launched in 2012 by a group of veteran video game experts. PlaySide has collaborations with big companies like Disney and Pixar.

After missing the metaverse train in late 2021, the community behind the best-performing meme coin of the year may soon get a piece of the action. The official name of the much-talked metaverse project is expected to be announced in the near future.

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