Good News From These 3 DeFi Altcoin Projects: They Are Entering The Giant Stock Exchange!

Switzerland-based investment product issuer 21Shares AG has announced the listing of three new products traded on the cryptocurrency exchange on BX Swiss. DeFi altcoin Aave (AAVE), oracle platform Chainlink (LINK) and decentralized exchange Uniswap (UNI) are the core holdings of ETPs, respectively. Additionally, global investment manager VanEck introduced its first multi-token cryptocurrency fund. We convey the details as…

BX Swiss lists 3 new DeFi altcoins

In a recent press release, 21Shares has doubled down on its cryptocurrency efforts by launching three more exchange-traded products based on cryptocurrencies. ETPs are now listed on exchange operator BX Swiss and track the performance of altcoin projects Aave, Chainlink and Uniswap. 21Shares CEO and Co-Founder Hany Rashwan pointed out that the latest listings will allow investors to gain greater access to the crypto world:

This is another exciting addition for us as we continue to expand our massive product line.

VanEck’s newest fund

According to a separate press release, the New York City-based financial institution with more than $80 billion in assets under management (AUM) has launched its first multi-token cryptocurrency fund. The product is listed as an ETN on SIX Swiss and Deutsche Borse Xetra exchanges and offers European investors Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL), Polkadot (DOT), Polygon (MATIC), Tron (TRX) and Avalanche’. It provides access to (AVAX). Gijs Koning, Co-Chair of VanEck Europe, recalled that his company has been an advocate of the cryptocurrency industry since 2017, when few businesses believed in its value:

We were the first to market many of these risks in Europe because we believe in the transformative nature of the underlying technologies and being open to transformative investments is at the heart of our company’s DNA.

While ventures on European soil are flourishing for VanEck, this is not the case for his efforts in the United States. Last year, the firm filed with the SEC to launch a spot Bitcoin ETF, but the financial regulator eventually rejected the offer.

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