Good News for This Altcoin Investors: Entering the Stock Exchanges of 2 Countries!

21Shares, the world’s largest issuer of cryptocurrency ETPs, has announced that it will now list Polygon ETPs in 2 countries, after obtaining permission to list AVAX, MATIC and ALGO on the SIX Exchange in November. ETPs, or exchange-traded products, are types of securities that track underlying securities, an index, or other financial instruments. The Swiss-based investment product provider reports that it will include altcoin project Polygon (MATIC) on Euronext exchanges in Paris and Amsterdam. Details‘in.

21Shares and Euronext in brief

As of November 2021, 21Shares manages more than $2.9 billion in 20 cryptocurrency ETPs and 81 listings, including the world’s only ETP, Binance, Crypto Index Basket and two ETPs with investor stakes (Tezos and Solana). Its products are listed on eight regulated European and Swiss commodity exchanges. It also has packages of traded products (ETPs) on the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world. It spearheaded the world’s first cryptocurrency index listing on the SIX Swiss Exchange in 2018 and aims to strengthen its cryptocurrency franchise with cutting-edge research and new approaches to product strategy.

Euronext is a European-wide financial institution founded in 2000 by the merger of the Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam stock exchanges and headquartered in Paris. As of 2017, it listed 1,300 issuers representing more than 3 trillion euros (euro) in market capitalization. It currently operates Europe’s largest stock market and owns the New York Stock Exchange.

Things to know about the Altcoin MATIC list

  • The new listings for 21Shares ETP, which the company says is Europe’s first product linked to MATIC performance, come after it was announced on the SIX Swiss Exchange last month.
  • The abbreviation of Polygon ETP, which will be traded in euro at Euronext in Paris, has been determined as “MATIC FP”.
  • The abbreviation for Polygon ETP, which will be traded in US dollars at Euronext in Amsterdam, will be “MATIC NA”.

MATIC price reacted 16% to this news, currently up 0.53% for the day trying to protect the $2 zone.

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