Goldman Sachs: The Link Between Bitcoin and Traditional Markets Is Strengthening

Finance giant Goldman Sachs described becoming a part of the mainstream as a “double-edged sword” for the cryptocurrency market.

According to the report shared by the Goldman Sachs team on Thursday, the total value of the cryptocurrency market since November 2021 by 40 percent noted that it has decreased.

This decline, according to the analyst team, Because it is caused by developments in the macroeconomic dimension, not in the crypto money market. differs from previous years.

According to the information in the analysis report, becoming a part of the mainstream means that cryptocurrencies able to increase the value such as with other financial markets. become more connected This reduces the benefits of investing in cryptocurrencies.

According to the report of Goldman Sachs, after the fall in the price of Bitcoin (BTC) and the Fed’s signal to increase interest rates “seen in tech stocks and recent IPOs” There is a correlation between negative mobility.

with bitcoin inflation and technology markets In the report, which emphasized the link between bitcoin and interest rates and USD It was stated that there is an inverse relationship between

According to the Goldman Sachs report, the trends that will occur in the crypto money universe in the future “immunity to macroeconomic factors” it won’t.

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