Gold? You Can Really Go To The Moon With This!

Gold has long been prominent as a hedging and store-of-value asset. However, some analysts also cite silver because of its low price and wide use case. One person who thought so was James Anderson, CEO of Guanajuato Silver. Anderson argues that because of price movements, silver supports investors more than gold. We convey the details as…

James Anderson compared gold and silver

In a recent interview, Guanajuato Silver CEO James Anderson said that silver supports investors with larger price fluctuations than gold. On Friday, Anderson spoke with Michael McCrae, Director of Mining Audiences, and reporter Paul Harris. Guanajuato Silver (GSilver) is re-enabling the history of producing silver and gold mines near Guanajuato, Mexico. The company currently has two mines: El Cubo, which is currently in production, and El Pinquico, which has started working again.

As such, Anderson cannot help making various comparisons between the yellow metal and silver, which is seen as a popular investment vehicle. He notes that the people with whom he communicates earn more by investing in silver rather than gold. Anderson uses the following expressions:

Most of the investors I spoke to were into silver rather than gold. [yatırım yaparak] says they make more money because silver has a lot more volatility, bigger beta. So when silver moves, you can really go to the moon. But of course, if you enter the market at the right spot.

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