Gold Will See These Peaks In 2022!

With the slight increase in gold and silver prices, the eyes were turned to ounce prices again. With less than 10 days left until the end of 2021, analysts continue to voice their predictions for the performance of the precious metal in 2022. One of them was EB Tucker, director of Metalla Royalty. We quote Tucker’s predictions as…

EB Tucker shares gold and silver forecasts

Gold failed to perform as expected in 2021 and was substantially below its performance in 2020. The precious metal, which peaked in 2020 with coronavirus concerns and broke $ 2,000, is closing this year with little changes. So what will things be like in 2022?

Gold will break $2,000 again and silver prices will go crazy, according to EB Tucker, director of Metalla Royalty. According to EB Tucker, 2022 will be a year when speculative money is withdrawn from the markets. The manager of the gold company uses the following expressions:

Everyone is a speculator and I expect this speculation to run out of fuel next year. No more stimulus checks coming. The average person has more liquidity in their pocket. They got a raise this year, but the price of everything they buy is going up. Sales are slowing. The refinancing boom is slowing. Next year, [hisse senetlerinde] There will be a rotation and you will see a movement towards something real.”

Tucker predicts silver will “go crazy” next year as capital turns into precious metals. At the time of writing, silver is trading at $22.62 an ounce and gold is trading at $1,790 an ounce.

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