Gold Will Launch in 2022! But This Will Pass It

According to the famous executive, silver is the only precious metal that is likely to run a permanent deficit in 2021-22. Metals Focus, one of the world’s leading precious metals consulting firms, expects silver to benefit from the improving gold price in early 2022. Detail‘in.

Gold prices may be overshadowed by silver

This assessment was voiced in the latest edition of “Precious Metals Investment Focus 2021/2022,” Metals Focus’ key annual report on investments in gold, silver, platinum and palladium. “Silver’s inherent high volatility means it could outperform gold early next year,” said Neil Meader, Director of Metals Focus Gold and Silver. However, he added that after that, prices could weaken once a clearer roadmap comes from the Fed on the timing of the first post-COVID rate hike. Metals Focus believes silver’s more favorable fundamentals could offer some price support next year. According to the consulting firm’s report, “Silver, the only metal of the four precious metals that is likely to run a permanent deficit in 2021-22, is putting an end to consecutive surpluses in 2014-20. This return is partly due to strong industrial production.”

Professional Analyst Gave Gold and Silver Expectations and Levels!

Alongside the recovery from COVID damage, Metals Focus pointed out that there are structural forces likely to affect the process, including vehicle electrification, the proliferation of 5G technologies, and governments’ commitment to green infrastructure investment. “Individual investors seeking healthy bargains in price drops and the post-pandemic recovery in Indian jewelery and silverware demand should also provide useful support,” the executive said. More importantly, Metals Focus said that the price of silver will follow gold in 2022, up 2% to an average of $25.75, but it expects to soften in the second half.

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