Gold and Metaverse Advice from the Expert: Get These!

Ramazan Kurtoğlu, a lecturer at Istanbul Aydın University, came to the fore with his new comments on the market. Kurtoğlu states that people should never sell their land. He also advises on gold. However, he argues that some things like the metaverse should never be invested in. We are giving the details as…

Negative crypto money and metaverse comments from the expert: Let’s not give up on gold and soil

Ramazan Kurtoğlu, lecturer at Istanbul Aydın University, conveyed his new views on the market and investment instruments. Meanwhile, he also touched on the metaverse space, which gained momentum with Facebook’s renaming of Meta in late 2021. Kurtoğlu advises to stay away from the metaverse while noting that people should invest their money in gold and land.

Kurtoğlu points out that rich people like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos buy land and land from Hawaii, saying, “They’re pooping on the metaverse to people.” For this reason, he said to the citizens, “If you have the opportunity, buy gold and land and do not sell them and your land. Do not sell agricultural lands because they are useless,” he says. On the other hand, pointing out that states have taken precautions, Kurtoğlu stated that no money should be invested in any of the cryptocurrencies, and says, “I am a solid person, let’s not give up on soil and gold.”

Metaverse is a fairly new concept, and most people do not have a clear consensus on its definition. It also confuses a lot of people because it’s not tangible. While Kurtoğlu and some names are negative about this field, other experts suggest that the metaverse is the future.

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