God of War gets new update to PC version

God of Warlast month when it was a console exclusive game PC arrived on the platform. At this point, various negative mouse acceleration issues occurred on the mouse and keyboard side. 1.05 The latest patch to version added the option to toggle between two mouse modes in the camera settings menu.

These two options are called classic and delicate. As the patch notes explain, the mod works by ignoring the default mouse-to-camera conversion option. In addition, additional sensitivity can be adjusted by changing the values ​​in the settings.ini file in the game’s folder.

God of War made Sony history with the record it broke!

God of War breaks records with its PC release. The game managed to be recorded as the most successful product in Sony history.

Add-on to God of War game caused various problems

Most gamers praised the new addon for its responsiveness. While others move left and right KratosIt experienced an animation error that moved the . At this point, returning to the classic mouse mode eliminates the error. You can see a video of the error below.


The dev team is working on the issue with AMD cards

The patch notes are also AMD He also states that they are working on performance issues related to their cards. The developer team made some comments about the situation. “While we do not have a timeline, we would like to let you know that we have identified the primary cause of AMD performance issues and are currently seeking solutions to resolve them.”


You God of War PC What do you think about the version? Do not forget to share your ideas with us in the comments section!

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