Gnar CTs, All Abilities, Strengths and Weaknesses in LoL

Gnar is one of the cutest and most dangerous characters to ever exist in the League of Legends universe. Having these two features in one body makes things even more interesting. Don’t be fooled by the fact that Gnar is small and cute, he can also take on one of the most effective tank roles in the game.

Gnar is the best of top laner champions. Trouble-maker one of those. Especially a Gnar player who knows how to use his passive well can be quite annoying in the lane phases. Aside from the corridor stage, the point where the players who know the real shine are team fights is happening. That’s exactly the part you should be afraid of.

Gnar, whose tiny and cute appearance should not be deceived, is the subject of our article today. tiny giant Gnar’s strengths and weaknesses, abilities and how to play we reviewed.

Gnar CTs (champions that are strong against Gnar):

  • irelia
  • Camille
  • Tahm Kench
  • Yorick
  • sylas

Gnar ignored the range he had. to the characters who can take the war to the top in an instant quite weak against (like Irelia, Camille, Sylas). Especially Mega Gnar form Since the character is very fragile when inactive, if he cannot use the range he has as a weapon, a difficult process will be waiting for him in the corridor. That’s why it’s good to play defensively against such characters, at least for a while.

All abilities of Gnar, who can also transform into Mega Gnar:

All of Gnar's abilities

  • Passive / Fury Gene: Gnar accumulates rage while in combat. When Fury reaches its peak, the next ability he uses transforms him into Mega Gnar, making him more durable and able to cast new abilities.
  • Q / Boomerang Throw / Rock Throw: Gnar throws a boomerang, damaging and slowing enemies hit, and then returning to Gnar. If Gnar catches the boomerang, its cooldown is reduced. Mega Gnar throws a huge boulder. This rock stops on the first target it hits, damaging and slowing anything nearby. If Gnar picks up the rock, its cooldown is reduced.
  • W / Hyper / Goert: As Gnar attacks and casts spells, his excitement builds, dealing bonus damage and gaining movement speed. Mega Gnar isn’t thrilled with his fury, instead he stands up on his hind legs, punching the area in front of him and stunning nearby enemies.
  • E / Hop / Thumb: Gnar jumps to a spot and bounces off any unit he lands on his head. Mega Gnar is too big to bounce and descends with more destructive force, dealing damage to its surroundings.
  • R/GNAR!: Mega Gnar hurls everything around him in a chosen direction, dealing damage and slowing them. Enemies hitting a wall are stunned and take bonus damage.

The strengths and weaknesses of Gnar, who deceives you with his cuteness:

Gnar's strengths and weaknesses

Strengths of Gnar:

  • While his passive bar is full, that is, his Mega Gnar form is active, he has the potential to change the course of teamfight with a single move, as his abilities are predominantly crowd control.
  • Even when his passive bar is not full, he has the potential to easily poke many characters that he may encounter in the top lane in his normal form and turn the battle in his favor.
  • A good use of Mega Gnar’s form allows him to easily survive incoming raids and even to overtake him in battle.

gnar team fights one of the most loved characters. Especially Mega Gnar form A person who knows how to use it well can corner the opponent very easily. Of course, with a little help from the team, the game can be won very easily.

Weaknesses of Gnar:

  • When his passive bar is not full, that is, when he is fighting in his normal form, it is an advantage that he has a range and has a lot of damage.
  • Walking around in his normal form is usually an advantage to the opposing team, as Mega Gnar is the main factor in its usefulness in teamfights.
  • Characters that can be resistant to normal attacks or close the distance quickly can easily prevail.

Someone who knows how to play against Gnar definitely needs to be feared. Because you should definitely evaluate the break when you switch from Mega Gnar to regular Gnar. things that get you in trouble they will try. Besides, make good use of your range. if you play too aggressively you can make yourself an open target for possible raids.

How to play Gnar in LoL?

Tips for playing Gnar

  • It is necessary to be careful at the corridor stage.
  • Gnar’s ultimate can only be used in Mega Gnar form.
  • You can play close against walls when you transform into Mega Gnar.

Gnar is a character that requires you to play the lane phase carefully. For this reason Mega Gnar form It is important to evaluate well. Even if you cannot evaluate it, it is necessary to play cautiously against possible raids, since you will not be able to transform for a while. Gnar’s ultimate He can only use it in his Mega Gnar form. Although it is a pretty easy mechanic at first glance, it is just as easy to miss. Crowd control, which you will apply to critical people in team battles, can help you win the game. Many champions in the top lane are melee-prone characters, so they’ll be constantly at a distance before transforming into their Mega Gnar form. You can exhaust your enemies by hitting. Leave the rest to Mega Gnar. Playing close against walls allows you to position yourself much more comfortably when you transform into Mega Gnar. You need to be careful how you use your forms. While it avoids playing too aggressively in normal form, it’s the opposite in Mega Gnar form. to act aggressively need

How to play against Gnar, how to defeat Gnar?

How to play against Gnar

  • In the early stages, Gnar can easily harass you using the range advantage his normal form gives. So it makes sense to play defensively as long as you don’t believe you can top the trade.
  • Once Gnar returns to his normal form, he will no longer be able to transform into Mega Gnar for the next 15 seconds. You can take this chance to play aggressively.
  • Playing outdoors is always to your advantage, as you’ll be stunned if Gnar’s ultimate pushes you and hits a wall.

Because Gnar has high range in the early stages very high potential a character. If you play without defense and spend the Mega Gnar form, then you can win the lane with a very simple help from your jungler. Not fighting while in Mega Gnar form it will be to your advantage. If his stats are high and he manages to hit you against the wall with his ultimate ability, your end may not be so good.

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