Glassnode Analysts: “There Is Something Strange With The Fund Flow Of These 3 Bitcoin Exchanges!”

FTXAfter the bankruptcy of , the confidence of the investors in other exchanges was severely damaged.

Concerns that some exchanges may falsify even when revealing their reserves triggered a new drop in cryptocurrencies today.

Crypto.comA large amount of money before it announced its reserves. EthereumWhile the fact that it moves does not escape the attention of investors, Binance There was a statement from the CEO that such movements were not normal.

One caveat came from Checkmate, a veteran analyst at Glassnode who studies on-chain transactions.

Expressing that there is a strangeness in the BTC reserves of three popular Bitcoin exchanges, the analyst pointed out the big changes in the reserves and said that Alameda may be behind this move.

Here is that post:

“There are 3 exchanges that have had a quirk in their Bitcoin reserves lately.


10,000 in three exchanges bitcoin with 40 thousand bitcoin There are big jumps and falls between them.

Same situation Ethereum rThe same can be said for the ezervs.

According to the movements on Binance, Coinbase, Kraken, Gemini, Bitfinex and Bittrex exchanges, these are a little volatile.

When we examine the previous fund flows of FTX, we see that there is a serious exchange of funds with these exchanges. Because in the process leading up to the bankruptcy of FTX, there was a serious BTC flow from Huobi and Gate to FTX.

Could Alameda be recovering its funds?

This flood is not meant to create greater chaos, but simply to expose the strange funding relationship between these exchanges and FTX/Alameda.

The incoming and outgoing funds are quite large compared to the funds held inside.”

You can view the original version of the Flood here.

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