Giants of Japanese Entertainment Industry: Hayao and Hidetaka Miyaza

We know that Japan is in an unshakable position in the entertainment industry. But they didn’t get to this point overnight. In this content, we look at two names that played a big role in the process from the spread of anime culture to the widespread adoption of souls games: Hayao and Hidetaka Miyazaki.

First Japanese Asian side, especially in the entertainment industry, has its traces in mind. Whether you like it or not, it comes from the Asian side. animes, your squads, your games And it is an undeniable fact that other entertainment content like these are in great demand all over the world.

While we will not touch upon historical issues such as when these entertainment contents were born and how they developed, in this content we will discuss the development of such Japanese-based content. key role Let’s take a closer look at the two names that have played. Although they use the same surname, these two names are not related by blood. in both cinema and game culture left deep scars.

Here is Hidetaka Miyazaki and Hayao Miyazaki:

Although both names have been known on the internet for a long time, especially Hidetaka Miyazaki, Elden Ring has been appearing more and more lately. Of course, this isn’t Hidetaka’s first agenda. Because he himself of the Souls genre in key games, so Dark Souls He directed the series and received many awards for his success. Its success here has been and continues to be an inspiration to many other gaming companies.

Hayao Miyazaki on the other hand, it is a name heard by those who watch anime, even those who look at the anime from the sidelines. Hayao Miyazaki, who showed the world that aging is not an excuse to put aside the fun, one of the greatest masters seen as. Winner of numerous awards, Hayao has had an impact similar to that of Hidetaka in the game world. in the world of cinema created.

Spirited Away and Dark Souls

In this context, roughly these two the ways they know He watched and almost framed Japan’s place in the entertainment industry.

Hayao Miyazaki, known for his films that appeal to everyone from seventy to seventy:

Hayao Miyazaki

Hayao considers herself more than an anime artist. movie directorsees his works as movies rather than anime. In this context, he says he only uses animation technique to tell stories. Born in 1941, Hayao continues to thrive on her creativity and storytelling talent despite her advancing age. not lost anythingAlthough he announced his retirement a few times, he still in front of paper and pen has found.

“I can’t wait for modern life to collapse and weeds to cover everything.”

Princess Mononoke

of Studio Ghibli Hayao, one of the founding members, played a key role in making the studio what it is today. Especially in the films he directed. nature love tried to instill. In addition, in these films, in which countless important lessons about life are given, he adopted neither a childish narrative nor a mature narrative that children could not understand. This situation as well all ages attracted the audience to his works.

Spirited Away, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind and Porco Rosso Hayao, who has sat in the director’s chair of many works such as prepared the ground.

Hayao’s How Do You Live? Finally, let’s mention that there is an adaptation production, which is expected to be released until 2024.


10 Great Movies You Must Watch by Miyazaki, the Master of Magical Anime

As for Hidetaka Miyazaki, some people lie down and curse him, while others praise him for the blessings he has brought to the gaming world:

Hidetaka Miyazaki

Of course, we are not talking about pure hatred here. These curses are actually not to Hidetakawhich played a large role in its development and spread, upset the nerves of the players to the Souls genre is being done. Especially if you are not accustomed to the genre itself, and in these games, if the expression is appropriate, it is more naive People can break their keyboards while playing games.

Let’s see this as the return of the souls genre. As you play the games, the most important thing is not the talent but the person in front of you. understanding the enemy you realize it is. Because the tactic you use on a souls type enemy will not be very difficult for the next enemy. useless. Sometimes even in the same enemy we see this situation.

From novice to general manager at From Software:


Born in 1974, Hidetaka actually debuted on PlayStation 3. Demon’s Souls became known in the media. The game in question hopeless case was seen as Since this is nothing to lose your ropes to Hidetaka to be delivered provided. A large number of sales took place in the few months following the game’s release. This allowed publishers to move the game outside of the Japanese market.

When Hidetaka’s continued success with Dark Souls caught Sony’s attention bloodborne appeared before us. From here on, Dark Souls 3, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and lastly, the never-ending Elden Ring We saw.

Hidetaka, who directed these games, not only presented us with successful games:

Darksiders 3

On the other hand, it influenced the game development ways of other companies in the game world. darksiders Many prominent/unreleased productions such as Souls began to host different mechanics of the genre. For instance in Darksiders 3 similar to what we’re used to seeing in souls games. fighting mechanics exists.

In addition, he has also contributed to many independent producers. inspiration it happened. When you log in to Steam today, there are tons of different art designs, character variants, and storytelling. game of souls you can find. This is largely due to Hidetaka’s perseverance, determination and to your creativity we owe

Finally: Souls games aren’t meant to drive you mad.

Elden Ring

The reason these games are hard is to finish the game. you spend more time not. The challenge here is to make you taste the sense of accomplishment. as a tool is being used. As we said, no matter how skilled you are, if you don’t understand the big enemies you face in these games, it’s next to impossible to beat them.

This, according to your own preference It is a situation in which the weapons you buy and the path you follow according to your own choice lead you. So even if you watch videos on how to take down an enemy, if your timing is bad, you can still use the game to improve. your playing will be needed.

Dark Souls

Among all these things directly No story is given. You may not even have thought that souls games had a story because you focused on their difficulties. Here, Hidetaka tells players to tell the story rather than putting it directly in front of them. by inference He prefers to understand.


New World Record in Elden Ring! He Finished The Game That Kicked The Nation’s Walls In Half An Hour [Video]

Japan’s gigantic position in the entertainment industry is indisputable. Hidetaka and Hayao Miyazaki As we can see, it has a big impact. Of course, the influential names on this subject are not limited to the two names we mentioned. For Hideo Kojima There are other big names as well. You can share your thoughts about these names and, if any, other names whose stories you want to read in the comments section.

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