Giant Whales Are Collecting From These Altcoin Projects Even In The Fall!

The WhaleStats Blockchain analytics platform has announced that the top 1,000 Ethereum whales are betting on Chainlink (LINK) again as it pushes Polygon (MATIC) from the top-traded altcoin position. For details keep reading.

LINK and MATIC in the list of most popular altcoin projects

Meanwhile, ETH whales continue to buy both LINK and MATIC as both altcoins are on the top ten list of purchased tokens.

While both MATIC and LINK are among the top ten coins most frequently bought by the biggest Ethereum whales, LINK has surpassed MATIC as the most traded asset so far, according to data provided by WhaleStats.

FTT remains the largest token by USD value in the wallets of the top 1,000 ETH whales. WhaleStats also shared several tweets showing whales purchasing large quantities of LINK and MATIC. In the last twenty-four hours, a total of 386,464 LINKs have been purchased by ETH whales 140, 141 and 4. The fourth largest whale bought the largest amount with 199,999 LINK worth $3,909.99. The total amount of this cryptocurrency purchased is $7,327,414 in fiat money.

Whales are buying and exchanging large MATIC stashes. A 158-ranked ETH whale also bought 2,110,000 MATIC, equivalent to $3,523,700. Also, popular crypto tracker Whale Alert has detected much larger transactions than this in MATIC transactions. According to recent tweets, 5,824,010 tokens (equivalent to $9,934,626) and 5,225,344 MATIC (worth $9,987,588) were shifted from Binance to Bitfinex, according to recent tweets.

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