Giant Whale Bought Hundred Billions of Meme Coins!

With the overall cryptocurrency market down slightly, many investors saw this as an opportunity to buy at the bottom. Among them is a Shiba Inu (SHIB) whale. Meanwhile, the popular meme coin is changing hands at $0.00004801, down 5.7 percent. Here are the details of the whale transaction and the latest price movements…

Meme coin whale buys 171 billion SHIB

A whale bought $6 million worth of SHIB the day before, according to on-chain data. At the time of the transaction, the coin was changing hands at just under $0.00005. After this process, eleven hours later, the whale decided to purchase smaller quantities of Shiba Inu. When SHIB dropped to $0.0000048, it bought itself another $2.3 million in tokens.

24-hour Shiba Inu chart. Source: CoinGecko

Meanwhile, SHIB price continues to decline. The coin, which is in the eleventh place with a market capitalization of $26.3 billion, has increased by 5.7 percent at the time of writing and is changing hands at $0.00004801. The coin, which has decreased by 30.3% in the last 14 days, As we also reported, it reached an all-time high of $0.000008618 on October 28. At the time of writing, it is trading 44.3 percent below its record. Coin managed to reach up to $ 0.00008616 on this date and entered the top 100 with its market value.

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