Giant Raise To iPhone Apps From Apple

Due to the depreciation of the Turkish Lira, Apple has updated its price tariff in the App Store. With the update, the 1 dollar application became 17 TL. Considering all prices, at least 50% hikes were made.

With the Turkish lira depreciating significant increase in foreign currency in a very short time had happened. The rise in the dollar, which our country mainly uses in the import of products and raw materials, caused an increase in the prices of almost every product. The rise of the dollar also increased the prices of electronic devices. Apple was the first company to update its prices with the dollar increase.

However, Apple also shared an announcement that many users are afraid of today and that we fear it will be on different platforms in the coming days. The company announced to its developers on the App Store. App prices and in-app purchase prices will increase. explained. Apple also shared the heartbreaking price list.

1 dollar application became 17 TL

With the new pricing, Apple made a significant increase in in-app and in-app purchase prices. The prices in the price chart also gave an important clue compared to the prices in the USA. apple, The price of a 1 dollar application in Turkey is 17 TL. determined. The price schedule in Turkey will now be as follows:

  • Alternate Tier A: 1.99 TL – > 2.99 TL (price for the cheapest apps)
  • Alternate Tier B: 4.99 TL -> 4.99 TL
  • Tier 1: 10.99 TL -> 16.99 TL
  • Tier 2: 22.99 TL -> 34.99 TL
  • Tier 3: 34.99 TL -> 49.99 TL
  • Tier 4: 44.99 TL -> 69.99 TL
  • Tier 5: 54.99 TL -> 84.99 TL
  • Tier 6: 69.99 TL -> 99.99 TL
  • Tier 7: 79.99 TL -> 119.99 TL
  • Tier 8: 89.99 TL -> 129.99 TL
  • Tier 9: 99.99 TL -> 149.99 TL
  • Tier 87: 10,999.99 TL -> 16,999.99 TL (most expensive)

You can check the entire price list from this table shared by Apple.


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Developers will be able to change the prices of apps and in-app purchases at any time via App Store Connect. If a subscription service is offered, the developer will set the subscription price. may choose to keep the same for existing subscribers.

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