Giant Partnership Coming? –

The Shiba Inu cryptocurrency community is awash with rumors after lead developer Shytoshi Kusama updated his Twitter status to “We are not alone.” Here are the details…

A new tweet from the founder of Shiba Inu (SHIB)

While SHIB fans hoped for more to come, the status update sparked speculation on social media platforms. Moreover, Kusama’s Twitter location captioned “With a new friend… guess who?” It was noteworthy that he shared his statements. The community is anxiously awaiting more information about a potential announcement. But what exactly it means is a complete mystery for now. This could be a partnership between Shiba Inu and another crypto project, or something to do with the much anticipated release of the Shibarium Layer 2 solution. Some members feel that development of Shibarium is complete and the team is waiting for the right time to launch.

Kusama also tweeted holiday wishes earlier, stressing the importance of the coming year for humanity and urging everyone to enjoy these few days together leading into 2023. Most important, As we reported, the developer mentioned that Shibarium is coming “very soon”. The launch of Shibarium will be very welcome news considering the ups and downs the SHIB token has gone through this year.

The meme coin has dropped nearly 90 percent from the record high it achieved last October. It’s worth noting that SHIB fans may not want to delve too far into the developer’s latest status update. Last week, Kusama issued an apology to people who felt misled by the Shiba Inu’s official Twitter account with a “special countdown” tweet posted earlier this month.

Other developments in the SHIB ecosystem

As a result, the Shiba Inu community expects the Layer-2 blockchain solution Shibarium to be released in January 2023. In fact, the official Twitter account of BoneShibaSwap also hinted that Shibarium is coming soon. So the Shiba Inu community is actively awaiting the Shibarium blockchain launch. However, the rise in fake Shibarium accounts on Twitter has been a serious concern for the community.

Trophias, the developer of Shiba Inu, stated that they are aware of the increasing number of scam accounts. He said they reported the account in question to Twitter. He also shared the link to Shibarium Network’s official Twitter account. Some scam accounts claiming to be the official account of Shibarium have almost a thousand followers. Users should avoid clicking any links on these accounts. Many users are actively reporting these accounts in the community to prevent members from getting scammed.

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On the other hand, the rate of Shiba Inu burning is increasing. The rate has been increasing in recent weeks as whales send SHIBs to their burning addresses. A total of 4,472,475 SHIB tokens were burned in 3 transactions in the last 24 hours. The Shibburn website is down 76 percent in the last 24 hours. SHIB token price is currently trading at $0.000008312, up about 1 percent in the last 24 hours.

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