Giant Bitcoin Exchange Suspends Transactions! –

Giant Bitcoin exchange BitMEX has suspended operations on its platform, stating that it is working on a fix.

BitMEX suddenly stopped its transactions

BitMEX officials said that they are working on a fix, while not giving time for when the transactions will open. The popular Bitcoin exchange stressed that its customers’ funds will be safe during this time:

Transactions on our platform are currently suspended due to a technical issue. We are working on a fix and reminding customers that funds are safe… Deposits and withdrawals will be stored and processed after the issue is resolved… We have identified the cause of the issue and are already implementing a fix. We apologize for the inconvenience and remind users that funds are safe.

cryptocoin.comAs you follow, BitMEX CEO Alexander Hoeptner announced his resignation earlier this week. Alexander Höptner resigned as BitMex’s CEO after serving for nearly two years. According to a stock market representative, Stephan Lutz will fill the CEO position on an interim basis. Former CEO Höptner has been at BitMex since January 2021. He previously worked at Börse Stuttgart, Deutsche Börse AG and Euwax AG. Here Börse was instrumental in the development of Stuttgart’s crypto exchange Bison.

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